
Hey Jacksonville Dog Owners,

If you’re on this page I’ll bet I can guess why

You’ve got a dog you love.  Your dog is like a member of your family.

You’d do anything for this dog.


There are certain BEHAVIORS your dog has that just aren’t working well for you.

It may be some of the smaller stuff…

Maybe you’re having a hard time getting your dog to walk well on a leash in your neighborhood and it’s frustrating just trying to go on a walk without being pulled or having a dog who barks at other

Could be that it’s hard to have guests come over without your dog jumping all over them or needing to be dragged back into the back bedroom

Or maybe you’re dealing with harder stuff

You want to go to the park and have your dog play off the leash but he or she just can’t be trusted to come when called or not chase off after a squirrel or other dog

Your dog is being destructive with chewing or house training problems

Or maybe even worse…

Maybe you’ve got a dog who is barking and lunging at other dogs.  Or maybe even has a bite history with people or other animals

Or maybe you’re dealing with harder stuff

You want to go to the park and have your dog play off the leash but he or she just can’t be trusted to come when called or not chase off after a squirrel or other dog

Your dog is being destructive with chewing or house training problems

If you see yourself in any of this the first thing I want to tell you is…

Don’t worry.  There are solutions.

Even if you’ve tried other trainers, even if you’ve watched every Youtube video, even if you’ve asked your uncle who’s really good with dogs what you should do…

I PROMISE, there are solutions to your dog problems

What if I told you that 60 days from now we could have your dog overcome so many of these problems and more?

I’m talking about things like…

Having great walks in the neighborhood that are relaxed with your dog right by your side.

Going into a pet store or veterinarian’s office and NOT being embarrassed by your dog’s behavior.

Even things like going to a farmer’s market or party and having people say, “Man! I wish my dog was like your dog!”

Or even things like…

Going to the beach with your dog off the leash and having the dog listen to you!

Having your dog listen to you around babies and kids, not knocking them over or stealing sandwiches out of their hands.

Or maybe even things like…

Building confidence in a reactive or aggressive dog so that your dog feels comfortable next to you out in public.

Your life could be SO much more peaceful having the comfort in knowing that you KNOW how to manage a dog who has aggression or fear challenges.

What would that be like going out in public with your dog and not being embarrassed?  Not being worried about bad behavior?

Presenting the Ultimate 3-60.

The Ultimate 3-60 is going to do FOUR THINGS for your dog in 60 days or less…

  • Every dog that leaves the Ultimate 3-60 program is going to be great on the leash.

  • What that means is no pulling, no lunging.

  • Imagine nice neighborhood walks and fun trips to the pet store or farmer's market.

State of mind

  • This is a big one and one of our primary goals

  • Are you dealing with aggression or aggressive behaviors?

  • Maybe anxiety or separation anxiety?

  • The Ultimate 3-60 is the most unique dog training program in the Jacksonville area for finding solutions to these behavioral issues. 

Great Off-Leash Control

  • When I talk about off leash obedience training I’m talking about the ability to go to a park or down to the beach and have your dog come when called or stay close when you want.

  • Heck, even just going into your front yard with no leash is something most dog owners can’t do because their dogs won’t listen.

  • But our program will help you get there.

Happy and polite manners

  • Manners are things like getting rid of jumping or chewing or peeing in the house.

  • Manners are making sure we don’t have excessive barking or whining.

  • Manners are having a dog who is polite when someone rings the doorbell instead of acting crazy and being shoved into a back bedroom.

  • Wouldn’t it be great if your dog had amazing manners?